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드라마 OST } 더 글로리 OST Part1 The Whisper Of Forest - SURAN (수란)

by 무곰님 2023. 1. 11.


안녕하세요 무곰입니다:)

오늘은 요즘 복수극으로 화제작인 넷플릭스 드라마 더 글로리 OST 를 소개해드릴까해요

어린시절 학교폭력으로 인해 힘들었던 주인공 문동은이 복수로 성장하면서 이어지는 드라마인데요

더 글로리의 OST인 수란님의 The Whisper Of Forest 들어볼까요?






Sometimes the forest gives me the realized.

You have to be strong.

Would you think unreal? No.

The whole world will be yours yeah.


Feel, take a deep breath.

Listen to their voices.

They believe in you.

You feel what you feel and your feelings are real. Right


Even if you're worried, don't be afraid.

I can sense you there.

Death always touched you and you kept going.

Then show yourself. Your turn



Hear the sound of victory?

You're the master of this land.


Are you hear the sound of pain?

You're the master of this ••


Then show yourself now.

Then show yourself now.

Then show yourself now.

Then show yourself now. Now.

Then show yourself now.

Then show yourself now.

Then show yourself now.

Into something new.




Then show yourself now.

Then show yourself now.

Then show yourself now.

Then show yourself now. Now.

Then show yourself now.

Then show yourself now.

Then show yourself now.

Into something new.


Sometimes the forest gives me the realized.

You have to be strong.

Would you think unreal? No.

The whole world will be yours Yeah.


Feel, take a deep breath.

Listen to their voices.

They believe in you.

You feel what you feel and your feelings are real. Right.


